Price Checker of Amazon Variations

AmzVar is designed for Product Variations (for example: with different size and color) on

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  • List variations sorted by price.
  • Filter variations by size or color if any.
  • Provide the shortcut to view all offers to compare the price with shipping and tax.
  • View price history provided by Camel3 ~ Note: not all products have price history available.
  • Press 'shift' key to drag the toggle icon in case it blocks something beneath.

Common questions about the extension

What AmzVar stands for?

AmzVar stands for Amazon Variations (i.e., products with different styles, like color, size, etc.)

Do you collect my personal information when using AmzVar?

We take your privacy very seriously! We only collect product information (like ASIN, title, size, color, etc.) from the Amazon page where AmzVar runs on, then use them to generate the list of product variations or recommendations. We use Google Analytics, which may set cookie to identify statistics such as unique visitors, page views etc. You may read our Privacy Policy page for more details.

Is AmzVar browser extension free to use?

Yes! And it's free forever :-).

Why the toggle button does not show sometimes?

AmzVar only shows on Amazon product page. Originally it only shows on product variation pages, but now it shows on any product page, for non-variant product, it provides the product recommendations.

The toggle button blocks the links beneath, how can I solve this issue?

The toggle button is actually draggable. What you need to do is that press the 'shift' key and at the same time left click on toggle button, then you're able to move it up and down.

Stuck? No worries, shoot us a message!