Amazon Variation Price Checker

🎉 We are back in 2025!

AmzVar is built to help you explore Amazon product variations, such as different sizes and colors.

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  • See variations sorted by price.
  • Filter variations by size or color, if available.
  • Check price history provided by Camel3. Note: Not all products have price history available.
  • Drag the toggle icon to reposition it if it blocks elements on the page.

Common Questions About the Extension

What does AmzVar stand for?

AmzVar stands for Amazon Variations, which refers to products with different options like color, size, or style.

Do you collect personal information when using AmzVar?

Your privacy is our priority! AmzVar only collects product-related information (e.g., ASIN, title, size, color) from the Amazon page you’re viewing. This data is used to generate variation lists or recommendations. We use Google Analytics for anonymous statistics such as unique visitors and page views. For more details, see our Privacy Policy.

Is the AmzVar browser extension free to use?

Yes, AmzVar is completely free to use, now and forever!

Why doesn’t the toggle button show sometimes?

The toggle button appears only on Amazon product pages. Initially, it was limited to variation pages, but now it also shows on any product page, offering recommendations for non-variant products.

What if the toggle button blocks links or elements on the page?

The toggle button is draggable. Simply click and drag it to reposition if it obstructs any elements on the page.

Do you collect personal information when using AmzVar?

Your privacy is our priority! AmzVar only collects product-related information (e.g., ASIN, title, size, color) from the Amazon page you’re viewing. This data is used to generate variation lists or recommendations. We use Google Analytics for anonymous statistics such as unique visitors and page views. For more details, see our Privacy Policy.

What happened to AmzVar, and what’s new?

On April 9, 2018, the core feature of AmzVar—sorting Amazon product variations by price—stopped working because Amazon no longer allowed its API to be used in browser extensions. This restriction made it impossible for AmzVar to function as originally intended.

After extensive development, we’ve rewritten and relaunched AmzVar to restore its core functionality!

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